About us

Welcome to Radiant Star Roasters, where passion for coffee meets the pursuit of equality. We are more than just a coffee company; we are a movement, driven by the belief that everyone deserves a fair and equal opportunity to thrive. Our journey began with a profound understanding of the power of coffee and its ability to foster connection, inspire change, and fuel dreams. 

As a coffee devotee, I have spent years honing my craft, exploring the vast world of coffee beans, roasts, and brewing methods. But my journey in the world of coffee goes beyond the pursuit of flavor and aroma. It intertwines with my unwavering commitment to women's rights and the experiences that shaped my upbringing. 

Growing up, I witnessed the extraordinary strength and resilience of the women in my life. From my grandmothers, who defied societal norms to pursue careers outside their homes, to my mother, who led other women with a sense of quiet strength and equality in her career, these remarkable women instilled in me a deep sense of justice and the belief that every voice deserves to be heard, and that hard work should be honored.  

It was through this lens that I recognized the inherent disparities faced by women in the coffee industry. Behind every cup of coffee lies the labor and dedication of countless women, yet their contributions often go unrecognized and unrewarded. This stark reality propelled me to combine my expertise in coffee with my passion for women's rights, giving birth to Radiant Star Roasters. 

At Radiant Star Roasters we are committed to sourcing coffee beans directly from women-owned farms and cooperatives across the globe. By forging strong relationships with these empowering women, we aim to amplify their voices, empower their communities, and create sustainable livelihoods. We ensure that every bean we purchase is ethically sourced, supporting fair wages, safe working conditions, and opportunities for education and advancement. 

But our mission extends beyond the supply chain. We strive to foster inclusivity and diversity within our own team and throughout the coffee industry as a whole. By donating 15% of our profits to organizations aimed and making sure that women in coffee strive by providing funds, mentorship, and support, we empower women to thrive in every aspect of the coffee world, from cultivation and processing to barista excellence and coffee education. 

When you savor a cup of Radiant Star Roasters' coffee, you are not only indulging in exceptional flavors, but also contributing to a larger movement for equality. With every sip, you join us in celebrating the triumphs, embracing the stories, and honoring the resilience of women around the world.  

We invite you to embark on this transformative journey with us, one sip at a time. Together, let's create a future where every woman's right to thrive is unquestioned, and where the beauty and complexity of coffee intertwines with the power of equality. 

- Micha Star Liberty, CEO


Welcome to our online coffee shop, where we believe that a great cup of coffee can make your day better, and also improve the lives of women around the world.